Sunday, August 30, 2009

I've Got a Feeling

We’ve all had days when even the simplest task is like pulling teeth. Your air conditioner breaks down. You run out of milk. You’re late to work. Admittedly, these aren’t earth-shaking events, but they’re just enough to make you feel like everything’s working against you. It’s like a metaphysical burr has stuck itself in your side and won’t let go.
I call that feeling ickiness.

Some days it seems like the whole world has it. People’s tempers flare, everyone seems to be at odds with one another and folks who are normally mild-mannered fly off the handle like a rusty hatchet.
I’m beginning to think that if we get enough of those spiky little burrs in enough sides, there might be some real damage done. Take the woman over here cursing into her cellphone and the man over there ignoring his child’s cries – they’ll surely spill over into another situation and turn it sour.
Issues big or small can bring on ickiness and send my smile packing. It can be health-care reform or the cat shedding all over me. It’s not easy to keep stuff like that from eating at me. And once my attitude gets maladjusted, I’m just a hop, skip and a jump away from inflicting my hissy fit onto someone else.

Blame our short fuses on the stressed-out economy, the phase of the moon, a random solar flare, maybe some monetary-electro-magnetic super-snafu.

For all we know, ickiness may just be a part of the natural order of things, and the cosmic pendulum will swing back over to peachy-keen at any moment or at least lean more towards OK.
If we look at history, we’ll see that the world has gone through untold numbers of rough patches and come through alright. I believe all this ickiness is just a phase and that we’ll all feel much better soon. I have to believe that!
In the meantime, let’s all try and be nice to each other. We’re all in this together.

1. I’m Down — The Beatles
2. Bad Moon Rising — Creedence Clearwater Revival
3. You Can’t Always Get What You Want — The Rolling Stones
4. Your Good Girl’s Gonna Go Bad — Tammy Wynette
5. A Good Run of Bad Luck — Clint Black
6. Don’t Feel Bad — Rascal Flatts
7. New Attitude — Patti LaBelle
8. Smile Again — Manhattan Transfer
9. Get Together — The Youngbloods
10. What a Wonderful World — Louis Armstrong